2. spp_vf

spp_vf is a secondary process for providing L2 classification as a simple pusedo SR-IOV features.


--file-prefix option is not required in this section because there is not DPDK application other than SPP.

2.1. Classify ICMP Packets

To confirm classifying packets, sends ICMP packet from remote node by using ping and watch the response. Incoming packets through NIC0 are classified based on destination address.


Fig. 2.2 Network Configuration

2.1.1. Setup

Launch spp-ctl and SPP CLI before primary and secondary processes.

# terminal 1
$ python3 ./src/spp-ctl/spp-ctl -b
# terminal 2
$ python3 ./src/spp.py -b

spp_primary on the second lcore with -l 0 and two ports -p 0x03.

# terminal 3
$ sudo ./src/primary/x86_64-native-linux-gcc/spp_primary \
    -l 1 -n 4 \
    --socket-mem 512,512 \
    --huge-dir=/run/hugepages/kvm \
    --proc-type=primary \
    -- \
    -p 0x03 \
    -n 10 -s

After spp_primary is launched, run secondary process spp_vf. In this case, lcore options is -l 2-6 for one master thread and four worker threads.

# terminal 4
$ sudo ./src/vf/x86_64-native-linux-gcc/spp_vf \
   -l 2-6 \
   -n 4 --proc-type=secondary \
   -- \
   --client-id 1 \
   -s \

2.1.2. Network Configuration

Configure network as described in Fig. 2.2 step by step.

First of all, setup worker threads from component command with lcore ID and other options on local host host2.

# terminal 2
spp > vf 1; component start cls 3 classifier
spp > vf 1; component start fwd1 4 forward
spp > vf 1; component start fwd2 5 forward
spp > vf 1; component start mgr 6 merge

Add ports for each of components as following. The number of rx and tx ports are different for each of component’s role.

# terminal 2

# classifier
spp > vf 1; port add phy:0 rx cls
spp > vf 1; port add ring:0 tx cls
spp > vf 1; port add ring:1 tx cls

# forwarders
spp > vf 1; port add ring:0 rx fwd1
spp > vf 1; port add ring:2 tx fwd1
spp > vf 1; port add ring:1 rx fwd2
spp > vf 1; port add ring:3 tx fwd2

# merger
spp > vf 1; port add ring:2 rx mgr
spp > vf 1; port add ring:3 rx mgr
spp > vf 1; port add phy:1 tx mgr

You also need to configure MAC address table for classifier. In this case, you need to register two MAC addresses. Although any MAC can be used, you use 52:54:00:12:34:56 and 52:54:00:12:34:58.

# terminal 2
spp > vf 1; classifier_table add mac 52:54:00:12:34:56 ring:0
spp > vf 1; classifier_table add mac 52:54:00:12:34:58 ring:1

2.1.3. Send Packet from Remote Host

Ensure NICs, ens0 and ens1 in this case, are upped on remote host host1. You can up by using ifconfig if the status is down.

# terminal 1 on remote host
# Configure ip address of ens0
$ sudo ifconfig ens0 netmask up

Add arp entries of MAC addresses statically to be resolved.

# terminal 1 on remote host
# set MAC address
$ sudo arp -i ens0 -s 52:54:00:12:34:56
$ sudo arp -i ens0 -s 52:54:00:12:34:58

Start tcpdump command for capturing ens1.

# terminal 2 on remote host
$ sudo tcpdump -i ens1

Then, start ping in other terminals.

# terminal 3 on remote host
# ping via NIC0
$ ping
# terminal 4 on remote host
# ping via NIC0
$ ping

You can see ICMP Echo requests are received from ping on terminal 2.

2.1.4. Shutdown spp_vf Components

Basically, you can shutdown all of SPP processes with bye all command. This section describes graceful shutting down. First, delete entries of classifier_table and ports of components.

# terminal 2
# Delete MAC address from Classifier
spp > vf 1; classifier_table del mac 52:54:00:12:34:56 ring:0
spp > vf 1; classifier_table del mac 52:54:00:12:34:58 ring:1
# terminal 2
# classifier
spp > vf 1; port del phy:0 rx cls
spp > vf 1; port del ring:0 tx cls
spp > vf 1; port del ring:1 tx cls

# forwarders
spp > vf 1; port del ring:0 rx fwd1
spp > vf 1; port del ring:2 tx fwd1
spp > vf 1; port del ring:1 rx fwd2
spp > vf 1; port del ring:3 tx fwd2

# mergers
spp > vf 1; port del ring:2 rx mgr
spp > vf 1; port del ring:3 rx mgr
spp > vf 1; port del phy:1 tx mgr

Then, stop components.

# terminal 2
spp > vf 1; component stop cls
spp > vf 1; component stop fwd1
spp > vf 1; component stop fwd2
spp > vf 1; component stop mgr

You can confirm that worker threads are cleaned from status.

spp > vf 1; status
Basic Information:
  - client-id: 1
  - ports: [phy:0, phy:1]
  - lcore_ids:
    - master: 2
    - slaves: [3, 4, 5, 6]
Classifier Table:
  No entries.
  - core:3 '' (type: unuse)
  - core:4 '' (type: unuse)
  - core:5 '' (type: unuse)
  - core:6 '' (type: unuse)

Finally, terminate spp_vf by using exit or bye sec.

spp > vf 1; exit

2.2. SSH Login to VMs

This usecase is to classify packets for ssh connections as another example. Incoming packets are classified based on destination addresses and reterned packets are aggregated before going out.


Fig. 2.3 Simple SSH Login

2.2.1. Setup

Launch spp-ctl and SPP CLI before primary and secondary processes.

# terminal 1
$ python3 ./src/spp-ctl/spp-ctl -b
# terminal 2
$ python3 ./src/spp.py -b

spp_primary on the second lcore with -l 1 and two ports -p 0x03.

# terminal 3
$ sudo ./src/primary/x86_64-native-linux-gcc/spp_primary \
    -l 1 -n 4 \
    --socket-mem 512,512 \
    --huge-dir=/run/hugepages/kvm \
    --proc-type=primary \
    -- \
    -p 0x03 -n 10 -s

Then, run secondary process spp_vf with -l 0,2-13 which indicates to use twelve lcores.

# terminal 4
$ sudo ./src/vf/x86_64-native-linux-gcc/spp_vf \
    -l 0,2-13 \
    -n 4 --proc-type=secondary \
    -- \
    --client-id 1 \
    -s --vhost-client

2.2.2. Network Configuration

Detailed netowrk configuration of Fig. 2.3 is described below. In this usecase, use two NICs on each of host1 and host2 for redundancy.

Incoming packets through NIC0 or NIC1 are classified based on destionation address.


Fig. 2.4 Network Configuration SSH with spp_vhost

You need to input a little bit large amount of commands for the configuration, or use playback command to load from config files. You can load network configuration from recipes in recipes/usecases/ as following.

# terminal 2
# Load config from recipe
spp > playback recipes/usecases/spp_vf/ssh/1-start_components.rcp
spp > playback recipes/usecases/spp_vf/ssh/2-add_port_path1.rcp

First of all, start components with names such as cls1, fwd1 or so.

# terminal 2
spp > vf 1; component start cls1 2 classifier
spp > vf 1; component start fwd1 3 forward
spp > vf 1; component start fwd2 4 forward
spp > vf 1; component start fwd3 5 forward
spp > vf 1; component start fwd4 6 forward
spp > vf 1; component start mgr1 7 merge

Each of components must have rx and tx ports for forwarding. Add ports for each of components as following. You notice that classifier has two tx ports and merger has two rx ports.

# terminal 2
# classifier
spp > vf 1; port add phy:0 rx cls1
spp > vf 1; port add ring:0 tx cls1
spp > vf 1; port add ring:1 tx cls1

# forwarders
spp > vf 1; port add ring:0 rx fwd1
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:0 tx fwd1
spp > vf 1; port add ring:1 rx fwd2
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:2 tx fwd2
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:0 rx fwd3
spp > vf 1; port add ring:2 tx fwd3
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:2 rx fwd4
spp > vf 1; port add ring:3 tx fwd4

# merger
spp > vf 1; port add ring:2 rx mgr1
spp > vf 1; port add ring:3 rx mgr1
spp > vf 1; port add phy:0 tx mgr1

Classifier component decides the destination with MAC address by referring classifier_table. MAC address and corresponging port is registered to the table. In this usecase, you need to register two MAC addresses of targetting VM for mgr1, and also mgr2 later.

# terminal 2
# Register MAC addresses for mgr1
spp > vf 1; classifier_table add mac 52:54:00:12:34:56 ring:0
spp > vf 1; classifier_table add mac 52:54:00:12:34:58 ring:1

Configuration for the second login path is almost the same as the first path.

# terminal 2
spp > vf 1; component start cls2 8 classifier
spp > vf 1; component start fwd5 9 forward
spp > vf 1; component start fwd6 10 forward
spp > vf 1; component start fwd7 11 forward
spp > vf 1; component start fwd8 12 forward
spp > vf 1; component start mgr2 13 merge

Add ports to each of components.

# terminal 2
# classifier
spp > vf 1; port add phy:1 rx cls2
spp > vf 1; port add ring:4 tx cls2
spp > vf 1; port add ring:5 tx cls2

# forwarders
spp > vf 1; port add ring:4 rx fwd5
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:1 tx fwd5
spp > vf 1; port add ring:5 rx fwd6
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:3 tx fwd6
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:1 rx fwd7
spp > vf 1; port add ring:6 tx fwd7
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:3 rx fwd8
spp > vf 1; port add ring:7 tx fwd8

# merger
spp > vf 1; port add ring:6 rx mgr2
spp > vf 1; port add ring:7 rx mgr2
spp > vf 1; port add phy:1 tx mgr2

Register MAC address entries to classifier_table for cls2.

# terminal 2
# Register MAC address to classifier
spp > vf 1; classifier_table add mac 52:54:00:12:34:57 ring:4
spp > vf 1; classifier_table add mac 52:54:00:12:34:59 ring:5

2.2.3. Setup VMs

Launch two VMs with virsh command. Setup for virsh is described in Using virsh. In this case, VMs are named as spp-vm1 and spp-vm2.

# terminal 5
$ virsh start spp-vm1  # VM1
$ virsh start spp-vm2  # VM2

After VMs are launched, login to spp-vm1 first to configure.


To avoid asked for unknown keys while login VMs, use -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no option for ssh.

$ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sppuser at

Up interfaces and disable TCP offload to avoid ssh login is failed.

# terminal 5
# up interfaces
$ sudo ifconfig ens4 inet netmask up
$ sudo ifconfig ens5 inet netmask up

# disable TCP offload
$ sudo ethtool -K ens4 tx off
$ sudo ethtool -K ens5 tx off

Configuration of spp-vm2 is almost similar to spp-vm1.

# terminal 5
# up interfaces
$ sudo ifconfig ens4 inet netmask up
$ sudo ifconfig ens5 inet netmask up

# disable TCP offload
$ sudo ethtool -K ens4 tx off
$ sudo ethtool -K ens5 tx off

2.2.4. Login to VMs

Now, you can login to VMs from the remote host1.

# terminal 5
# spp-vm1 via NIC0
$ ssh sppuser@

# spp-vm1 via NIC1
$ ssh sppuser@

# spp-vm2 via NIC0
$ ssh sppuser@

# spp-vm2 via NIC1
$ ssh sppuser@

2.2.5. Shutdown spp_vf Components

Basically, you can shutdown all of SPP processes with bye all command. This section describes graceful shutting down.

First, delete entries of classifier_table and ports of components for the first SSH login path.

# terminal 2
# Delete MAC address from table
spp > vf 1; classifier_table del mac 52:54:00:12:34:56 ring:0
spp > vf 1; classifier_table del mac 52:54:00:12:34:58 ring:1

Delete ports.

# terminal 2
# classifier
spp > vf 1; port del phy:0 rx cls1
spp > vf 1; port del ring:0 tx cls1
spp > vf 1; port del ring:1 tx cls1

# forwarders
spp > vf 1; port del ring:0 rx fwd1
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:0 tx fwd1
spp > vf 1; port del ring:1 rx fwd2
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:2 tx fwd2
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:0 rx fwd3
spp > vf 1; port del ring:2 tx fwd3
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:2 rx fwd4
spp > vf 1; port del ring:3 tx fwd4

# merger
spp > vf 1; port del ring:2 rx mgr1
spp > vf 1; port del ring:3 rx mgr1
spp > vf 1; port del phy:0 tx mgr1

Then, stop components.

# terminal 2
# Stop component to spp_vf
spp > vf 1; component stop cls1
spp > vf 1; component stop fwd1
spp > vf 1; component stop fwd2
spp > vf 1; component stop fwd3
spp > vf 1; component stop fwd4
spp > vf 1; component stop mgr1

Second, do termination for the second path. Delete entries from the table and ports from each of components.

# terminal 2
# Delete MAC address from Classifier
spp > vf 1; classifier_table del mac 52:54:00:12:34:57 ring:4
spp > vf 1; classifier_table del mac 52:54:00:12:34:59 ring:5
# terminal 2
# classifier2
spp > vf 1; port del phy:1 rx cls2
spp > vf 1; port del ring:4 tx cls2
spp > vf 1; port del ring:5 tx cls2

# forwarder
spp > vf 1; port del ring:4 rx fwd5
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:1 tx fwd5
spp > vf 1; port del ring:5 rx fwd6
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:3 tx fwd6
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:1 rx fwd7
spp > vf 1; port del ring:6 tx fwd7
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:3 rx fwd8
spp > vf 1; port del ring:7 tx fwd8

# merger
spp > vf 1; port del ring:6 rx mgr2
spp > vf 1; port del ring:7 rx mgr2
spp > vf 1; port del phy:1 tx mgr2

Then, stop components.

# terminal 2
# Stop component to spp_vf
spp > vf 1; component stop cls2
spp > vf 1; component stop fwd5
spp > vf 1; component stop fwd6
spp > vf 1; component stop fwd7
spp > vf 1; component stop fwd8
spp > vf 1; component stop mgr2

2.2.6. Exit spp_vf

Terminate spp_vf.

# terminal 2
spp > vf 1; exit