3. Common Commands

3.1. status

Show the status of SPP processes.

spp > status
- spp-ctl:
  - address:
- primary:
  - status: running
- secondary:
  - processes:
    1: nfv:1
    2: vf:3

3.2. config

Show or update config params.

Config params used for changing behaviour of SPP CLI. For instance, if you change command prompt, you can set any of prompt with config command other than default spp >.

# set prompt to "$ spp "
spp > config prompt "$ spp "
Set prompt: "$ spp "
$ spp

3.2.1. Show Config

To show the list of config all of params, simply run config.

# show list of config
spp > config
- max_secondary: "16"       # The maximum number of secondary processes
- sec_nfv_nof_lcores: "1"   # Default num of lcores for workers of spp_nfv
- topo_size: "60%"  # Percentage or ratio of topo
- sec_base_lcore: "1"       # Shared lcore among secondaries

Or show params only started from sec_, add the keyword to the commnad.

# show config started from `sec_`
spp > config sec_
- sec_vhost_cli: "" # Vhost client mode, activated if set any of values
- sec_mem: "-m 512" # Mem size
- sec_nfv_nof_lcores: "1"   # Default num of lcores for workers of spp_nfv
- sec_base_lcore: "1"       # Shared lcore among secondaryes

3.2.2. Set Config

One of typical uses of config command is to change the default params of other commands. pri; launch takes several options for launching secondary process and it is completed by using default params started from sec_.

spp > pri; launch nfv 2  # press TAB for completion
spp > pri; launch nfv 2 -l 1,2 -m 512 -- -n 2 -s

The default number of memory size is -m 512 and the definition sec_mem can be changed with config command. Here is an example of changing -m 512 to --socket-mem 512,0.

spp > config sec_mem "--socket-mem 512,0"
Set sec_mem: "--socket-mem 512,0"

After updating the param, expanded options is also updated.

spp > pri; launch nfv 2  # press TAB for completion
spp > pri; launch nfv 2 -l 1,2 --socket-mem 512,0 -- -n 2 -s ...

3.3. playback

Restore network configuration from a recipe file which defines a set of SPP commands. You can prepare a recipe file by using record command or editing file by hand.

It is recommended to use extension .rcp to be self-sxplanatory as a recipe, although you can use any of extensions such as .txt or .log.

spp > playback /path/to/my.rcp

3.4. record

Start recording user’s input and create a recipe file for loading from playback commnad. Recording recipe is stopped by executing exit or playback command.

spp > record /path/to/my.rcp


It is not supported to stop recording without exit or playback command. It is planned to support stop command for stopping record in next relase.

3.5. history

Show command history. Command history is recorded in a file named $HOME/.spp_history. It does not add some command which are no meaning for history, bye, exit, history and redo.

spp > history
  1  ls
  2  cat file.txt

3.6. redo

Execute command of index of history.

spp > redo 5  # exec 5th command in the history

3.7. server

Switch SPP REST API server.

SPP CLI is able to manage several SPP nodes via REST API servers. It is also abaivable to register new one, or unregister.

Show all of registered servers by running server list or simply server. Notice that * means that the first node is under the control of SPP CLI.

spp > server
  1: *

spp > server list  # same as above
  1: *

Switch to other server by running server with index or address displayed in the list. Port number can be omitted if it is default 7777.

# Switch to the second node
spp > server 2
Switch spp-ctl to "2:".

# Switch to firt one again with address
spp > server  # no need for port num
Switch spp-ctl to "1:".

Register new one by using add command, or unregister by del command with address. For unregistering, node is also specified with index.

# Register
spp > server add
Registered spp-ctl "".

# Unregister second one
spp > server del 2  # or
Unregistered spp-ctl "".

You cannot unregister node under the control, or switch to other one before.

spp > server del 1
Cannot del server "1" in use!

3.8. env

Show environmental variables. It is mainly used to find variables related to SPP.

# show all env varibles.
spp > env

# show env varibles starts with `SPP`.
spp > env SPP

3.9. pwd

Show current path.

spp> pwd

3.10. cd

Change current directory.

spp> cd /path/to/dir

3.11. ls

Show a list of directory contents.

spp> ls /path/to/dir

3.12. mkdir

Make a directory.

spp> mkdir /path/to/dir

3.13. cat

Show contents of a file.

spp> cat /path/to/file

3.14. less

Show contents of a file.

spp> less /path/to/file

3.15. bye

bye command is for terminating SPP processes. It supports two types of termination as sub commands.

  • sec
  • all

First one is for terminating only secondary processes at once.

spp > bye sec
Closing secondary ...
Exit nfv 1
Exit vf 3.

Second one is for all SPP processes other than controller.

spp > bye all
Closing secondary ...
Exit nfv 1
Exit vf 3.
Closing primary ...
Exit primary

3.16. exit

Same as bye command but just for terminating SPP controller and not for other processes.

spp > exit
Thank you for using Soft Patch Panel

3.17. help

Show help message for SPP commands.

spp > help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
bye  exit     inspect   ls      nfv       pwd     server  topo_resize
cat  help     less      mirror  playback  record  status  topo_subgraph
cd   history  load_cmd  mkdir   pri       redo    topo    vf

spp > help status
Display status info of SPP processes

    spp > status

spp > help nfv
Send a command to spp_nfv specified with ID.

    Spp_nfv is specified with secondary ID and takes sub commands.

    spp > nfv 1; status
    spp > nfv 1; add ring:0
    spp > nfv 1; patch phy:0 ring:0

    You can refer all of sub commands by pressing TAB after
    'nfv 1;'.

    spp > nfv 1;  # press TAB
    add     del     exit    forward patch   status  stop