3. spp_primary

3.1. GET /v1/primary/status

Show statistical information.

  • Normal response codes: 200

3.1.1. Request example

$ curl -X GET -H 'application/json' \

3.1.2. Response

Table 3.1 Response params of primary status.
Name Type Description
lcores array Array of lcores spp_primary is using.
phy_ports array Array of statistics of physical ports.
ring_ports array Array of statistics of ring ports.
pipes array Array of pipe ports.

Physical port object.

Table 3.2 Attributes of physical port of primary status.
Name Type Description
id integer Port ID of the physical port.
rx integer The total number of received packets.
tx integer The total number of transferred packets.
tx_drop integer The total number of dropped packets of transferred.
eth string MAC address of the port.

Ring port object.

Table 3.3 Attributes of ring port of primary status.
Name Type Description
id integer Port ID of the ring port.
rx integer The total number of received packets.
rx_drop integer The total number of dropped packets of received.
tx integer The total number of transferred packets.
tx_drop integer The total number of dropped packets of transferred.

Pipe port object.

Table 3.4 Attributes of pipe port of primary status.
Name Type Description
id integer Port ID of the pipe port.
rx integer Port ID of the ring port for rx.
tx integer Port ID of the ring port for tx.

3.1.3. Response example

  "lcores": [
  "phy_ports": [
      "id": 0,
      "rx": 0,
      "tx": 0,
      "tx_drop": 0,
      "eth": "56:48:4f:53:54:00"
      "id": 1,
      "rx": 0,
      "tx": 0,
      "tx_drop": 0,
      "eth": "56:48:4f:53:54:01"
  "ring_ports": [
      "id": 0,
      "rx": 0,
      "rx_drop": 0,
      "tx": 0,
      "tx_drop": 0
      "id": 1,
      "rx": 0,
      "rx_drop": 0,
      "tx": 0,
      "tx_drop": 0
      "id": 2,
      "rx": 0,
      "rx_drop": 0,
      "tx": 0,
      "tx_drop": 0
  "pipes": [
      "id": 0,
      "rx": 0,
      "tx": 1

3.2. PUT /v1/primary/forward

Start or stop forwarding.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404

3.2.1. Request example

$ curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' -d '{"action": "start"}' \

3.2.2. Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful PUT request.

3.2.3. Equivalent CLI command

Action is start.

spp > pri; forward

Action is stop.

spp > pri; stop

3.3. PUT /v1/primary/ports

Add or delete port.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404

3.3.1. Request (body)

Table 3.5 Request body params of ports of spp_primary.
Name Type Description
action string add or del.
port string Resource UID of {port_type}:{port_id}.
rx string Rx ring for pipe. It is necessary for adding pipe only.
tx string Tx ring for pipe. It is necessary for adding pipe only.

3.3.2. Request example

$ curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
  -d '{"action": "add", "port": "ring:0"}' \

For adding pipe.

$ curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
  -d '{"action": "add", "port": "pipe:0", \
  "rx": "ring:0", "tx": "ring:1"}' \

3.3.3. Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful PUT request.

3.3.4. Equivalent CLI command

Not supported in SPP CLI.

3.4. DELETE /v1/primary/status

Clear statistical information.

  • Normal response codes: 204

3.4.1. Request example

$ curl -X DELETE -H 'application/json' \

3.4.2. Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

3.5. PUT /v1/primary/patches

Add a patch.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404

3.5.1. Request (body)

Table 3.6 Request body params of patches of spp_primary.
Name Type Description
src string Source port id.
dst string Destination port id.

3.5.2. Request example

$ curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
  -d '{"src": "ring:0", "dst": "ring:1"}' \

3.5.3. Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful PUT request.

3.5.4. Equivalent CLI command

spp > pri; patch {src} {dst}

3.6. DELETE /v1/primary/patches

Reset patches.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404

3.6.1. Request example

$ curl -X DELETE -H 'application/json' \

3.6.2. Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

3.6.3. Equivalent CLI command

spp > pri; patch reset

3.7. DELETE /v1/primary

Terminate primary process.

  • Normal response codes: 204

3.7.1. Request example

$ curl -X DELETE -H 'application/json' \

3.7.2. Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

3.8. PUT /v1/primary/launch

Launch a secondary process.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404

3.8.1. Request (body)

There are four params for launching secondary process. eal object contains a set of EAL options, and app contains options of teh process.

Table 3.7 Request body params for launch secondary for spp_primary.
Name Type Description
proc_name string Process name such as spp_nfv or spp_vf.
client_id integer Secondary ID for the process.
eal object Hash obj of DPDK’s EAL options.
app object Hash obj of options of secondary process.

eal object is a hash of EAL options and its values. All of EAL options are referred in EAL parameters in DPDK’s Getting Started Guide for Linux.

app object is a hash of options of secondary process, and you can refer options of each of processes in How to Use section.

3.8.2. Request example

Launch spp_nfv with secondary ID 1 and lcores 1,2.

$ curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
  -d "{'proc_name': 'spp_nfv', 'client_id': '1', \
    'eal': {'-m': '512', '-l': '1,2', '--proc-type': 'secondary'}, \
    'app': {'-s': '', '-n': '1'}}"

Launch spp_vf with secondary ID 2 and lcores 1,4-7.

$ curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
  -d "{'proc_name': 'spp_vf', 'client_id': '2', \
    'eal': {'-m': '512', '-l': '1,4-7', '--proc-type': 'secondary'}, \
    'app': {'-s': '', '--client-id': '2'}}"

3.8.3. Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful PUT request.

3.8.4. Equivalent CLI command

proc_type is nfv, vf or mirror or so. eal_opts and app_opts are the same as launching from command line.

pri; launch {proc_type} {sec_id} {eal_opts} -- {app_opts}

3.9. POST /v1/primary/flow_rules/port_id/{port_id}/validate

Validate flow rule for specific port_id.

  • Normal response codes: 200

3.9.1. Request example

$ curl -X POST \ \
       -H "Content-type: application/json" \
       -d '{ \
           "rule": \
              { \
              "group": 0, \
              "priority": 0, \
              "direction": "ingress", \
              "transfer": true, \
              "pattern": \
                [ \
                  "eth dst is 11:22:33:44:55:66 type mask 0xffff", \
                  "vlan vid is 100" \
                ], \
              "actions": \
                [ \
                  "queue index 1", \
                  "of_pop_vlan" \
                ] \
              } \

3.9.2. Response

Table 3.8 Response params of validate.
Name Type Description
result string Validation result.
message string Additional information if any.

3.9.3. Response example

        "result" : "success",
        "message" : "Flow rule validated"

3.10. POST /v1/primary/flow_rules/port_id/{port_id}

Create flow rule for specific port_id.

  • Normal response codes: 200

3.10.1. Request example

$ curl -X POST \
       -H "Content-type: application/json" \
       -d '{ \
           "rule": \
              { \
              "group": 0, \
              "priority": 0, \
              "direction": "ingress", \
              "transfer": true, \
              "pattern": \
                [ \
                  "eth dst is 11:22:33:44:55:66 type mask 0xffff", \
                  "vlan vid is 100" \
                ], \
              "actions": \
                [ \
                  "queue index 1", \
                  "of_pop_vlan" \
                ] \
              } \

3.10.2. Response

Table 3.9 Response params of flow creation.
Name Type Description
result string Creation result.
message string Additional information if any.
rule_id string Rule id allocated if successful.

3.10.3. Response example

        "result" : "success",
        "message" : "Flow rule #0 created",
        "rule_id" : "0"

3.11. DELETE /v1/primary/flow_rule/port_id/{port_id}

Delete all flow rule for specific port_id.

  • Normal response codes: 200

3.11.1. Request example

$ curl -X DELETE

3.11.2. Response

Table 3.10 Response params of flow flush.
Name Type Description
result string Deletion result.
message string Additional information if any.

3.11.3. Response example

        "result" : "success",
        "message" : "Flow rule all destroyed"

3.12. DELETE /v1/primary/flow_rule/{rule_id}/port_id/{port_id}

Delete specific flow rule for specific port_id.

  • Normal response codes: 200

3.12.1. Request example

$ curl -X DELETE

3.12.2. Response

Table 3.11 Response params of flow deletion.
Name Type Description
result string Deletion result.
message string Additional information if any.

3.12.3. Response example

        "result" : "success",
        "message" : "Flow rule #0 destroyed"